More Computers Donated

Meaningful Volunteer is a 100% non-profit organization. We rely on the fees of generous volunteers to fund our projects. 

We also receive help from corporate sponsors and individuals. One such individual is Bob Bozsa.  Bob has already donated a projector for use in our computer classes.

Bob also recently sent a large amount of money to help fund Meaningful Volunteer projects.  Most of the money went to purchase three additional computers.  The computers will initially be used in the RYE School in the Philippines.  They will then be transported to Uganda for use in the Heart of Uganda program.

The remainder of the money was used to fund the training of local health-care workers in the use of the Project Lifecycle necklaces.

Thanks Bob!  You're a wonderful help and inspiration to all the volunteers who toil night and day to make a meaningful difference in the lives of the less fortunate.

30 Jul 2009