Meaningful Volunteer welcomes two more staff members to the team

Meaningful Volunteer is delighted to announce the arrival of two new staff members to the team.


Anne Eichmeyer has taken on the role of marketing manger and will be responsible for getting as many volunteers as she can to Meaningful Volunteer's placement locations.

Anne is a Midwestern native; she was born and raised in Minnesota and received her Bachelors in Social Work and her Masters in Social Work, with a focus in Social Policy from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Anne led a student campaign against genocide in Darfur, advocated for international fair trade, and learned extensively from her travels and volunteerism in Ghana, Southeast Asia, and Central America, as well as throughout the United States.  She has also advocated extensively with and for the developmental disability community and is passionate about women’s rights. 

Currently Anne is the Housing Coordinator for three homeless shelters that serve families and single women in Madison, Wisconsin


Megin Alvarez is also joining us as our Canadian Coordinator.  She will be coordinating volunteers in Canada, organizing fundraisers as well as helping Meaningful Volunteer to obtain charitable status in Canada.

Megin was born in Cavite in the Philippines and was raised in Canada.  Megin has the best of both countries.  

With a social science background she has been working with the Ministry for Children and Family Development and Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society (VACFSS)  in British Columbia for the past twelve years.  

She's involved in the foster care system in Canada and has developed numerous community programs in Cavite specializing in child advocacy and female human rights.