Julien Arrives in Uganda

Note: The following is taken for Julien's blog. You can keep up to date with Julien's quest to reduce malaria rates by checking out his blog here.



I can already say that this experience is and will be quite exciting. Actually, I do not know where to start; I will try it in a chronological order. Also I will keep it short as the solar powered batteries at the school next to the village are critically low and my laptop will also run out of juice quite soon.


Yesterday morning I was picked up by Mary and her hired taxi at Entebbe backpackers. First of we had to drive to Kampala to buy the mosquito nets. What to say about Kampala? it is very very very crowded and traffic is a continuous jam, in the air is a smell of charcoal fire, diesel and tar. Every house entry is also a small shop and people are constantly bumping into each other while navigating through motorbikes, taxis and other cars.

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