Meaningful Volunteer Donates Contraceptives to Local Clinic

Rachel Murphy - a resident of the United Kingdom - recently spent some of her time and money on helping the less fortunate by volunteering with Meaningful Volunteer's Project Lifecycle initiative. 

Project Lifecycle aims to provide resident of Tablas island in the Philippines reproductive options.  Most of Meaningful Volunteer's efforts to date have revolved around the use of Cyclebeads - a 100% natural family planning method that works within the religious norms on the island.

Workers at the local healthcare clinics along with the help of meaningful volunteers, saw Cyclebeads distributed to fifteen or so villages in the area.

Workers at the clinic expressed the many locals were requesting access to other types of modern contraceptives such as condoms and the pill.

As a result, a portion of Rachel's volutneer fees saw the purchase of $US250 worth of contraceptives for the local health care clinic.