Playground Construction Begins in Nepal

As mentioned previously thank to a very generous donation by the Manley family, we have enough funds to construct a playground for our school in Nepal. 

Our school is located in a little village called Rithepani in western Nepal. If you peer our one of the windows of our school you'll see the Himalayan mountain range. The school was built on one of the few pieces of flat land around the village. 

Nevertheless, there is still ground work to be done before we can formally install the play equipment. The ground needs to be leveled in places, and a lot of rocks and debris needs to be cleared. 

This work is well underway and the kids will soon have a nice safe place to play to excercise their human right to play. 

Article 24 of the Declaration of Human Rights states: 

Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay.

"Rest and leisure" are what kids call play!